In the dance of existence, true healing harmonises the soul's symphony, weaving together the fragments of our being into a unified, radiant whole.

Holistic counselling is a sacred journey to embrace and unify all facets of your being. It is a grounded approach that reaches into the depths of your soul, honoring your complete essence by weaving together the emotional, mental, physical, social, and spiritual aspects of yourself. Julie, a devoted advocate of this art for many years, holds a wellspring of wisdom to illuminate your path of healing and transformation.

Each session is a bespoke experience, lovingly tailored to your unique essence. Julie guides a healing path that aligns you with your true self and the world around you, recognising that physiological and psychological imbalances are integral elements in the greater whole of your existence. This approach honors the profound interconnectedness of mind, body, soul, and spirit, offering a spectrum of therapeutic modalities and techniques.

You will explore and understand your distinct needs through integrative practices that include:

Spiritual, Personal, Sports Performance, and Professional Guidance
Meditation, Mindfulness, Visualisation, and Breathwork
Shamanic Healing, Channeling, Womb Twin Healing, and Aura and Chakra Cleansing
Soul and Heart Retrieval
Spiritual Insight, Mediumship, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, and Psychic Tarot Reading
Colour, Crystal, Angel, Art, and Dream Therapy
Intergenerational, Inner Child, and Past Life Regression Therapy
Aromatherapy and Bach Flower Remedies
Astrology and Numerology

This sacred approach invites you to explore your inner sovereignty and empowers you to manifest the life you are destined to create. Through this holistic lens, you are guided to rediscover your wholeness, embrace the beauty of your journey, and cultivate a life imbued with balance, happiness, and peace. Interwoven with the essence of somatic therapy, this journey becomes a soul-deep experience, aligning your physical and spiritual self in harmonious unity. As you embrace this integration, each step brings you closer to a profound sense of inner equilibrium and fulfillment.

what to expect


  • Your first session is in place for you and Julie to get to know each other and make sure you are comfortable working together and to create a space in which you are both feeling nurtured, empowered, and in complete confidence. You will take the time to discuss the reason why you are here and Julie will support you to go beyond what your conscious mind is allowing you to see.

    Together you will lift the veil and bring to the light the shadow sides of the Self to enlighten them to a deeper inner awakening. In this process, you may recognise part of yourself that is challenging and uncomfortable to look at which often is the key to enabling the start of your journey toward self-healing and transformation.  As the sessions evolve, your inner beliefs, emotions, physical sensations, thoughts, and behaviour patterns that have impacted your life and relationships will be getting more apparent to you.

    Therefore Julie will support you to explore these aspects of yourself with different healing modalities to bring back the natural flow of life within you. This will also give both Julie and yourself a better understanding of what to do to overcome anything stopping you from living your life fully and authentically with care, empathy, joy, and space to breathe and grow.

  • Holistic Counselling is suitable and recommended for anyone who would like to be deeply listened to without judgment and in complete confidentiality as well as for anyone who would like to have the support and the guidance to discover their own path in life and get in touch with their true authentic self. It is also incredible for anyone who is searching for deeper life meanings and would like to work on their spiritual journey. Holistic Counselling is a proactive and empowering approach that helps you find the freedom within yourself in a supportive and safe environment with a professional who holds wisdom and empathy to care for and support you on your journey of discovery and transformation. Being a Holistic Practitioner for so many years now Julie has been honored to work and celebrate the success stories of many beautiful souls from all walks of life and she invites you today to be the author of your own life and to start writing the beginning of a new era!

  • ✓ Abuse

    ✓ Addiction

    ✓ Anger management

    ✓ Anxiety

    ✓ Behavioural patterns

    ✓ Being a perfectionist

    ✓ Being assertive

    ✓ Bereavement, grief, loss

    ✓ Body positive image

    ✓ Bullying

    ✓ Burnout

    ✓ Chronic disease

    ✓ Twin loss

    ✓ Communication

    ✓ Self confidence

    ✓ Depression

    ✓ Eating disorders

    ✓ Fear

    ✓ Feeling lonely

    ✓ Hyperventilation

    ✓ Insecurity

    ✓ Jealousy

    ✓ Low self esteem

    ✓ Obsessive compulsive disorder

    ✓ Panic attack

    ✓ Twin womb survivor

    ✓ Parenting

    ✓ Performance anxiety

    ✓ Phobia

    ✓ Post-traumatic stress disorder

    ✓ Relationship issues

    ✓ Sleep problems

    ✓ Social phobia

    ✓ Spirituality

    ✓ Stress

    ✓ Trauma

    ✓ Workplace stress

    ✓ Worrying too much

    ✓ Awakening

  • Online therapy:

    It gives you the ability to engage in a Holistic counselling therapy session from the comfort of your own home if you are unable to access an in-person consultation for different reasons. We do profound work and healing is received through this form of remote therapy in the same way as the in-person sessions.

    Walk & Talk therapy:

    It is a different approach to talk therapy alone which favors relaxation, self-expression, and balance because of the benefit of being surrounded by nature itself. This combination brings an alignment in our body, mind, soul, and spirit allowing us to open, restore, and transform ourselves and life on many levels.

    Somatic Therapy:

    This approach finds the underlying cause of a person's physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional state of being by addressing the body, mind, & soul in the capacity of talking and stillness or talking and movement therapy combined. This form of therapy aims to teach how to address, calm, and transmute stress, tension, and trauma to find resolution and liberation.

  • Online therapy:

    It gives you the ability to engage in a Holistic counselling therapy session from the comfort of your own home if you are unable to access an in-person consultation for different reasons. We do profound work and healing is received through this form of remote therapy in the same way as the in-person sessions.

    IN-PERSON therapy:

    This approach finds the underlying cause of a couple's physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional state of being by addressing the body, mind, & soul in the capacity of talking and stillness or talking and movement therapy combined. This form of therapy aims to teach how to address, calm, and transmute stress, tension, and trauma to find resolution and liberation.